There are so many ways that you can help us keep serving the care community of Taunton.  Phil Hodgson is the Fundraising Coordinator for Taunton Hospital Radio (the charity arm of Apple FM).

We need approximately £10,000 per year to keep ourselves broadcasting so we need as much help as we can get. Could you help us keep providing this extremely vital service to Musgrove Park Hospital and the Care Community of Taunton Deane? It’s so much easier than you think and it’s possible to really help us without you actually giving us a penny! Sounds too good to be true? not so! Why not read through the items below to see the many ways that you can help and find the one that suits you best.

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If you have any fundraising ideas that can help us, or would like to fundraise for us, please do get in touch with us by sending an email to or by telephoning (01823) 342591.