Advertise or sponsor YOUR 97.3 Apple FM

Springboard your company, products and services within the reach of our listeners and followers –  locally and now, via our online app, nationally and globally!

Why Radio Advertising?

Radio is the ideal medium to communicate to the local community that you are once again open for business. As a not-for-profit organisation we think you will be amazed to find how inexpensive, and yet effective, it is to advertise on Apple FM. We have a potential reach of 110,000 people across Taunton and even more via our online broadcasting on the website and APP. As a community radio station we are broadcasting directly to local people, your target customers. You will also get a free link and your logo on our website’s Core Supporters page. Furthermore to help with your cashflow we are now offering monthly payment options.

For more impact, please ask about the Sponsorship opportunities we also have available.

Contact the Apple FM Sales team now for a no obligation quote:  Call 01823 288970 or email