Electric Vehicle Survey

Whilst Covid-19 remains uppermost in all our minds, business is continuing at councils across Somerset including an exciting project, linked to Somerset’s Climate Emergency work. 

The district and county councils are currently working on an Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Strategy to help plan for and enable the EV revolution in Somerset as part of their commitment to work towards carbon neutrality by 2030. 

As part of this, a county-wide group of graduate support officers working for the councils have devised a survey to gauge the attitudes of the public towards EVs, and the potential influence that the varied geography and communities of Somerset may have on EV take-up across the county.

It started on 8 June, and will run for two weeks, closing on Monday 22 June. All survey respondents who choose to leave their contact details will be entered into a prize draw to win a £25 voucher

The survey can be accessed at https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/electricvehiclesurvey/

If you want to take part but would like a paper copy, please contact evsurvey2020@gmail.com

Once the survey has closed, the graduates will analyse the response data and communicate their findings to the councils and consultants WSP who have been commissioned to develop the Somerset Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy.