Somerset Recycling Week starting 26th September

The first Somerset Waste Partnership (SWP) Somerset Recycling Week starts on Monday (26 September) promoting recycling across the county.

At more than 56%, Somerset’s recycling rate is higher than it has ever been but there is always more to do.

SWP will be sharing information, highlighting progress and promoting top tips to help make great recycling part of the Somerset DNA.

Monday will see the publication of the latest Somerset Recycling Tracker for 2021-22 showing the detail of how much was recycled, carbon saved and how much was recycled in the UK.

There will be lots of information on the SWP website and shared through its @somersetwaste Facebook page and Twitter account. 

Look out for new video guidance on how to sort your recycling and a Facebook Talking Café Q&A about recycling on Wednesday 28 September, hosted by the Community Council for Somerset

We will also be able to share the latest new on the impact of Recycle More, including the staggering amounts of new materials collected from the county’s kerbsides.

Councillor Sarah Dyke, Chair of the Somerset Waste Board, said: “Most people in Somerset recyle and we have a record to be proud of.

“But we can do even more and Recycling Week is about getting everyone thinking about the little extra steps we can all take that can together make a big environmental impact.”

To keep up to date with waste services, sign up for the SWP e-newsletter or follow @somersetwaste on Facebook or Twitter.